Commonly Asked Questions & Answers

What is Reiki? Reiki Means Wellness

The word Reiki comes as 2 Japanese words connected. ‘Rei’ means universal life force and ‘Ki’ means energy. The sacred art of Reiki energy healing is channelling this ‘Universal Life Force Energy’, using a series of hand positions, placed lightly on or just above the body. This energy flows into the client, easing tension and stress, to restore balance and facilitates the body’s own natural healing process. Reiki is a safe, non-invasive, complementary method of healing, and is compatible with all medical treatments, and now is even used in some hospitals, as part of their patient wellness programs. Reiki treatment sessions promote well being and balance, activate a parasympathetic response in the body, down regulating the nervous system, to a rest & repair state.


How can Reiki benefit me and how does Reiki work?

Reiki is intelligent energy that will flow to where it is needed most in the body and clears these blockages within the body’s energy fields to restore the flow, improving your overall well being. Stagnant energy within these energy centres (Chakras) can affect the natural energy flow, therefore Reiki will intuitively transmute, and restore your body's balance and vitality. Energy can become stagnant in the body, where there has been physical injury or emotional pain. This can cause energy flow to become sluggish, sometimes resulting in illness. Most people have a tendency to hold on to emotional wounds, stress and anxiety, and have trouble practising Self-care, resulting in dense energy blockages; which require multiple Reiki sessions in short succession, in order to address and heal/treat long-term imbalances. Reiki Treatments are now being recommended in some Medical settings as a Complementary Allied Therapy for stress reduction & relaxation, to help improve Mental Health and to support improved well-being. Pain Management, Chronic Illness Clinics and Oncology Departments of Grampians Health also recommend Reiki to help ease, alleviate and help reduce side effects of some medical treatments. 


Reiki Can do No Harm - Finding a trusted Reiki Professional

Reiki energy always flows for the highest good of the recipient. Reiki energy is intelligent and will flow to where it is most needed within the body. It is important to be aware of the difference between practising Reiki as a Spiritual healing practice, and conducting a Professional Reiki Practice, offering services to the public.
Many Reiki practitioners choose to share their own personal Reiki practice with friends, family and pets. However, when Reiki treatments are offered as a service to the wider community, practitioners are legally bound by a National Code of Conduct for Healthcare Workers, as well as any other legal requirements for operating a Health Service to the public. As a member in the Accredited Reiki Treatment Practitioner category, with Reiki Australia, I am committed to raising the benchmark on Reiki treatment practice and consistently maintain the highest standards. I abide by a strict Code of Ethics, have current Insurance, First Aid Certificates, and the ability to demonstrate an unbroken lineage stretching back to Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki as we know it today. As an ARTP, I have also undertaken extra study of professional development to meet a range of Continuous Development Points each year, and have completed 2 units of Reiki Australia Course Professional Development for Reiki Treatment & Elaine Bowler Reiki also has a current listing in the Reiki Australia Practitioner Directory. I am happy to provide my credentials upon request, and have also obtained my National Police Check & Working with Children check.

Elaine Bowler Reiki - ABN 60 286 765 728


What is Distance Reiki and how does it work?

Distance Reiki is a Reiki treatment performed remotely, or from a distance. Energy is an unseen energetic force, that is in everything and connects us all. As an experienced Reiki Practitioner, I have been trained to connect energetically with Clients, to be able to send Distance Reiki Treatments to you or others, with their permission. This healing energy can be accessed at any time and is sent through time and space. (e.g., consider how technology with networks used by mobile phones, or Wi-Fi, can connect and communicate through unseen energetic waves.) The energy of a Reiki session will always be transmitted to flow for your highest good. A typical Distance Reiki session is conducted in the comfort of your own home at a prearranged time and is either a 30-minute or 60-Minute session. Options to communicate are at the client's individual preference, and include text, email or Video chat, or Phone.
A video consultation can take place over a Video-Chat platform such as Zoom or messenger, immediately prior to the appointment for Reiki treatment or after if you wish. A brief summary of the Treatment session can be provided after the treatment, via email if you prefer.
Many clients simply fall asleep during a Reiki Treatment, enjoying the calming tranquility of Reiki energy and have a nap. If this happens, Congratulations! You were able to fully relax; allowing your mind to be still and be quiet, and allow your body to begin its own self-healing process. Your experience of the Reiki session is what is most important. The goal is for the Client to feel relaxed, calmed and peaceful after a session.

By setting Your own healing intentions for the session; simply leave your expectations behind, and embrace that the Reiki energy will flow to where you need it most in the exact moment, to restore balance, equilibrium, and Core vitality. After your session, feel free to chat about your experiences, dreams, and sensations during your treatment. Be aware that it is also quite usual if you did not sense anything, and only slept deeply. This is when Reiki activates a parasympathetic response in the body, downgrading the nervous system, to a Rest and digest state.


Preparing for your Distance Reiki treatment

If you are receiving a Distance Reiki treatment, and to maximise the healing effects of the session, it is advised to please make yourself comfortable at home, where you won't be disturbed, set the ambience with music, candles, etc create a special space for relaxing to receive the Reiki Healing Energy.
To set your intent, read silently or recite out loud, (whatever you prefer) “ I am open to receiving the Reiki Healing Energy, in alignment with my highest good and I Trust the Divine Source Reiki energy will flow to where it is needed most within my body to promote healing and restore balance.”

By setting Clear Intentions for your individual session, as suggested above, the Reiki energy will always flow for the highest good of the recipient, and your subconscious brain will facilitate this healing process. It is also quite safe to Receive Reiki, while meditating, sleeping or even taking part in any Self-Care activity. By setting your intentions for the session prior, the subconscious part of your brain allows you to relax further, and Let your Body begin the healing process.


What is a typical Reiki session experience?

Each person receiving a Reiki treatment has a different experience each time, as Reiki is intelligent and will flow where it is needed most for that person. Some clients report how comforting and nurturing the energy feels, many experience a release of stress and feel deeply relaxed and lighter, others report feeling a very light tingling sensation inducing a lucid dreaming state of sleep, and some clients have regular Reiki treatments for stress reduction as they find it helpful assisting with pain management.

Some Clients’ feel particularly emotional after a session, as if much heavy emotional baggage has finally been released. It is important to stay hydrated, drinking plenty of water to assist the Reiki healing energy to integrate fully. Emotions are a sign of releasing pent-up & stagnant energy. These feeelings are neither good nor bad, so allow yourself to release the emotions and to have a good cry if you feel the need. I am experienced in holding space safely, without judgement. Let's be totally honest, who hasn't felt just a little bit better after a really good cry? Releasing those tears can be cathartic, and a totally healthy part of the healing process. So, don't worry, I have tissues.

What is a Mobile Reiki Treatment?

With the ease and convenience of a mobile appointment to your preferred location, why not choose to experience the calming, tranquillity & power of Reiki in the comfort of your own space. Each Mobile session varies depending on the appointment booked. Sessions are available in 90-, 60- & 30-minute durations.
When I arrive, please ensure animals are secured separately for a few moments, while I bring in my equipment to provide a Reiki treatment, to ensure no random sneaky animal attempts to escape. Direct me where you would like me to set up the Sacred Harmony Healing Sanctuary. Feel free to let the animals out to enjoy your Reiki Treatment, once set-up is complete. Many pets often are curious, as Energy is their primary language, and choose to sit under the Reiki table or even on the armchair, or a foot stool. Animals certainly benefit from the energy, and many enjoy being included in your session.
I can bring my own portable table, or use Your own Lounge recliner chair, if that is more comfortable. The Reiki table also reclines at various angles, and into an upright position. In order to cater to all abilities, disabilities, and preferences including recovering from injuries, lack of mobility and back issues. Be assured that everyone's personal needs are all fully catered for. Simply let me know your requirements and I'm happy to accommodate your requests.
An Initial first appointment of a Full Reiki Balancing session is generally 90 minutes, as I like to allow time beforesettling into the Reiki space and time after for reflection and discussion. Preferring to allow extra time for your first appointment to enable a full energy balancing treatment to be performed.
During your appointment, your comfort is my priority, this time allows the opportunity to discuss any questions, and fill out any forms if required. A longer session ensures that the Reiki flows to all energy centres within the body, to clear as many layers of stagnant energy as possible within the first session.

Animal Reiki Treatments – Mobile & Distance

In 2019, I completed Certificate III Animal Studies from The Gordon TAFE. With over 20 years’ experience working with various animal rescues as a volunteer and as a Foster Carer. I have given Reiki treatments to cats, dogs, rats, rabbits, birds, horses, and orphaned lambs, and daily to my own animals, In 2011, while seeking holistic treatments for my dog to help with her cancer diagnosis, I was offered the opportunity to attend an in-house training for rehabilitation with the Rescue I volunteered with at the time. Level One - Meditation & Shelter Animal Reiki Course, considered to be the earliest version of Let Animals Lead Reiki, by Founder of the Shelter Animal Reiki Alliance, Kathleen Prassad.
Please Note that Animal Reiki Treatments are Not a substitute for Professional Veterinary care.

30-minute session – Mobile Visit – Animal Reiki

I find many animals are most comfortable in their own environment and respond better to the Reiki energy with a more relaxed approach. The Method I use is based on the ethics of allowing the animals to communicate to me how They wish to receive the Reiki energy. I sit with them in their own environment, and I reach a meditative state, and send Reiki to them, which allows them to accept the Reiki energy, in a way most comfortable to them. Often after a few minutes, the animals will initiate hands on contact. It is important to remember, every living being has Free will to choose. Consider that we are being respectful in offering Reiki, the animal is Whole, perfect as can be.
Reiki sessions allow you, as the Human companion, the ability to recognise your pet/animal as a sentient being, and allow them the respect and choice to take part in the Reiki session however they want to. Reiki healings can benefit both of you, and may also assist to facilitate a deepening connection & more balanced relationship between you both.

30- minute session – Animal Distance Reiki

A photograph of your companion animal needs to be provided via email, with a clear picture & focus of the eyes is preferred although not essential. Follow on to booking your appointment, for your animal. We will have a short consultation via your preferred method of communication, to discuss any concerns that you may have. I will connect energetically with your pet, scan their body, to give any messages and or insights that are conveyed to me from your pet. A written evaluation is provided within 48 hours via email to you, following the treatment session, and follow up call is included. Some animals may express any discomfort or physical concerns that they may have currently. However, it is not unusual for animals to be a mirror reflection of energetic imbalances in the Human companion, to bring attention to those individual specific Human health concerns. Animals are cheeky, and often they will be the first to let slip if their Humans are being neglectful of their own healthcare treatments. A certain cheeky canine client often spills the beans on their owner, as Arnotts Family Creams are a Fav!


Informed Consent & Disclaimer about Reiki Treatments

• Reiki treatments offer support for your wellbeing
• No specific outcome can be assured and practitioners do not interfere with medical
treatments, prescribe medications, diagnose or give a prognosis unless they are otherwise qualified.
• Reiki treatment is compatible with any and all medical, psychological and complementary health systems.

• Reiki is not a substitute for any Professional Medical Care.
• Should your Reiki practitioner wish to include any practices other than Reiki in your treatment, this must be explained and agreed to before the actual Reiki treatment begins.
• You will remain clothed during your Reiki treatment session.
• In-Person sessions are conducted by using light physical contact, or just above the body, and your practitioner will employ a sequence of hand positions according to your needs and your Reiki practitioner’s branch of Reiki training.
•Your practitioner should show you the sequence and obtain your agreement to this prior to commencing the treatment. Each time you come for a Reiki treatment; you should discuss your needs if they have changed.
• Your practitioner will not make any contact over the private areas of your body (breasts, genitals, lower buttocks) unless there is a clinical foundation. This Must Agreed Prior to Treatment, and be specifically consented to, as part of your treatment and because of the sensitive nature of such treatment, your signed consent will be required on a separate consent form.
• Your treating practitioner will discuss the treatment session with you and will offer time for discussion.
• If you are the parent or guardian of a child 14 or younger for whom you are seeking Reiki treatment, your signed consent will be required on a separate Children's Reiki Consent form.

Thank you for your Understanding and Cooperation.

Elaine Bowler Reiki - ABN 60 286 765 728