Breathe deeply: seek harmony & inner peace. Reiki treatments - with action & compassion, Lives change!

Kokoro - helping to enrich & deepen the profoundly unique, Heart & Soul connection shared between animals & their chosen human companions.

Elaine Bowler is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, & professional Reiki Practitioner, based in Ballarat, Australia, serving the community both locally & world-wide. 

Providing a range of holistic services  which can be conveniently accessed both remotely & in-person, including onsite service travelling to clients locally. Offerings include professional Reiki treatments, & intuitive Energy Healing sessions, Evidentiary Animal Communication, Home & Property Energy clearings & Oracle card readings.

Lainey inspires & supports clients to find tranquility & inner peace through professional Reiki treatments for calming relaxation, which can help to reduce stress & anxiety, restores energy balance and may improve overall health & well-being. 

Choosing to implement a simple daily self-care & mindfulness practice with our animal companions means that we are able to cultivate a more loving & deeper, meaningful relationship based on mutual trust & respect. 
A daily breath-work ritual to restore energy balance & raise our vibration honours not only ourselves as sacred serenity spirits, but also our animal & equine companions. 
It is through listening to the stillness; breathing deeply & seeking harmony in the present moment, becoming fully present & connected to all of our parts, it is only then, that we are able to hear the whispers of unconditional love & the messages of wisdom from the beating hearts of our radiantly beautiful animal Soul-companions.

With a gentle, friendly & warm presence, Lainey offers professional Reiki treatments & holistic Spiritual services to all seekers in their unique healing quest for inner peace & to live their best life filled with love, harmony, balance & serenity of Spirit. 

After all, We are Spiritual beings having an earthly experience. 

Are you ready to embrace your authentic self & allow your beautiful Soul to shine bright?

Let's connect soon. Love & Reiki blessings, Lainey xxx

Elaine Bowler Reiki 

Elaine Bowler Reiki offers professional Reiki services within the Ballarat community, Australia & also worldwide remotely.

Specialising in Animal & Equine Reiki, we help pets heal and find balance through gentle energy work. Offering a convenient onsite mobile service to residents within Ballarat, we provide a calm and caring environment for your pets.

Each animal companion is treated with respect, kindness & honoured as a sacred sentient being. acknowledged as unique and each session is catered specifically to their requirements. 

Our goal is to enhance the well-being of your animals. We use our knowledge and skills to support the healing process, aiming to improve their quality of life. We work closely with you to understand your pet's needs and promote their overall health & well-being. 

With years of experience volunteering in animal rescue & rehabilitation, Lainey has much success working with animals using the "Let Animals Lead" TM approach in her sessions as an Animal Reiki Practitioner & Equine Reiki Practitioner.

Distance is no barrier! Reiki transcends the realms of time & space, so you can relax at home, without the hassel of travel.  Distance Reiki treatments can be conveniently held via video conferencing or a phone call, so all potential clients, both human & animal, can fully experience the gentle, yet powerful, relaxing & healing benefits of Reiki treatment sessions. 


Reiki is a Japanese system of
stress reduction and relaxation
that also promotes healing.
Usui Reiki was discovered in the
early 1900's by Mikao Usui, a
Japanese Buddhist monk.
Reiki is is not just for people; it’s
also perfect for animals too.

Animal Reiki is practiced in such a way
that each session is tailored to the
needs of the animal. In an Animal
Reiki session, the animal leads the
session and sessions are generally
shorted than human sessions.


Animal Reiki sessions can be given
in-person or remotely. Both
methods are effective, as Reiki
transcends time and space. Animal
Reiki sessions are generally shorter
than sessions for people.
In in-person sessions, the
practitioner generally travels to
meet the animal client.
For remote sessions, the animal
client remains in their own space,
and can move around freely, while
the session is completed over the
phone, online or off technology.


Reiki sessions are most effective when
given on a regular basis, especially if
your pet is new to Reiki, or if they're
dealing with a chronic imbalance, as
the positive effects of Reiki are
cumulative and build over time.
But even one Reiki session can help
bring your pet you into a peaceful, calm
& relaxed state.



Animal Reiki can safely complement
any medical treatment your pet is
already receiving.
Reiki is not a substitute for medical
treatment & Animal Reiki
practitioners do not diagnose or
prescribe any form of treatment.
It is recommended that you consult
a veterinarian for any symptoms
your pet may have.


Woman practicing reiki therapy on a large dog


  • Reduces stress
  • Improves recovery from injury, surgery & trauma
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Assists with physical comfort in aging, injured or ill animals
  • May assist with behavioral problems
  • Supports veterinary care
  • Provides a renewed sense of purpose
  • Increases life force vitality
  • All species of animals can benefit from Animal Reiki, regardless of age or physical condition.
Reiki for animals


Silhouette of hands forming a heart shape against a purple sky at sunset.

Distance Reiki Treatments

We provide gentle Reiki treatment sessions to help animals and their humans deepen their heart & soul bond through Reiki treatments: a Japanese form of holistic energy healing for relaxation & mindfulness.

Combined Reiki treatments for both animals & their humans help to restore balance and harmony to the emotional, mental, physical & spiritual bodies.

Connecting at a pre-arranged time, via a video platform such as zoom or Google Meet, or simply through a phone call, you can enjoy the benefits of a relaxing Reiki treatment in the comfort of your own home.

Divine universal life force energy flows through & connects us all, transcending the realms of time & space (think of the powers of useen energy of the internet & Wi-Fi, instantly connecting us to others, despite the percieved distance.)

A complemetary debriefing call is available to discuss your Reiki treatment experience afterwards & the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

green grass field under rainbow

Onsite Mobile Reiki Sessions

We offer Reiki treatment sessions onsite within the Ballarat region, ensuring both you & your pet feel nourished, calm, relaxed & balanced.

Relax in your favourite reclining chair with your pooch while you both enjoy the gentle, yet powerful healing benefits of a relaxing Reiki treatment in the comfort of your own spac; whether you're at home, in healthcare facility, or residential care home, or veterinary appointment, everyone can easily access support for mental & emotional well-being.

These sessions are perfect for those who prefer the comfort of home, due to age, disability or feel anxious about leaving home. An onsite Reiki treatment conveniently removes all the negatives of planning & travelling, while enjoying the relaxation benefits of a Reiki in-person.

Credentials, Insurance, WWC & Police Check provided upon request. 

a man sitting on a rock with a dog

Reiki for Aging Pets

The level of our own personal mental health & well-being is intricately tied to the emotional, physical and mental well-being of our animal companions. 

Often we feel an incredible profound sense of overwhelming grief regarding the possiblity that our loved one life may be cut short in the near future. 

Specialising in supporting owners and their animals in preparation for saying good bye & end-of-life.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France.

ginger Cat peaking out of toy tunnel

Animal Communication session

Intuitive Animal Communication session

Supporting humans & their animals to communicate more effectively & cope with changes in their environment. Disruptions to energy flow within the home can effect the entire household.  Stressed & anxious humans equals stressed out animals.

Animals are unique sentient beings with their own personalities, likes & dislikes.

Discover how you can improve & deepen your heart & soul bond with your companion animal with an animal Reiki treatment & Animal communication session.

Written summary of treatment is provided.

Animal Communication sessions are for entertainment & educational purposes only, & does Not replace Professional Medical or Veterinary treatment.


Missing your much loved deceased pet?Intuitive Clairvoyant Mediumship readings from photographs are also available.

a black and brown dog standing behind a metal fence

Reiki for Rescue Animals

Often animals are impacted by trauma during the incredibly stressful rescue & adoption process, and sometimes despite best intentions, many humans are often unaware of the 'How's" to best support & bond with their new fury-family member.

Sometimes challenges can arise within living situation shorty after adoption, as humans & animals can both struggle to feel safe & secure during the 'getting to know-you-process'. 

Reiki treatments can be very benficial to both humans & their animal companions, helping to address behavior problems in pets by promoting balance through personalized Reiki sessions, supporting rehabilitation & recovery from shelter stress & rescue.

With over 20 years experience in animal rescue as a foster-carer, Certificate III in Animal Care & hundreds of hours in Reiki practical experience, yourself & your beloved animal companion can be assured in receiving the highest ethical & quality of care during treatment.

Black & White photo of a Single House & garden with a pitch roof

Property Energy Balancing & Clearing

Providing energy balancing & clearing for homes, properties & workplaces.

Negative energies can accumulate overtime, causing disharmony & arguments between employees or even family members.

Flickering lights, strange noises that go bump in the night, cold spots, or strange occurances that cannot be explained?

Perhaps you need a property energy balancing & clearing to restore harmony & balance within your home & property.

A Reiki home & property treatment restores positive energy flow & creating a more harmonious, gentle & peaceful environment for everyone.

person's hands

onsite Healthcare Reiki

A mobile service directly to your preferred healthcare setting, nursing home or hospice. Reiki energy healing may support Spiritual & emotional healing for clients, which can assist in a more peaceful & gentle transition from this life to the next.

As a Spiritualist Psychic Medium & experienced professional Reiki practitioner, Lainey specialises in creating a gentle loving & healing energy space for both patients & their families. 

Reiki treatments during the difficult transition period nearing End-of-Life, can help to provide Spiritual & Emotional healing resulting in a more peaceful transition for both the patient & their families.

With experience in supporting clients navigate their difficult medical journeys, in 2023, Lainey completed a 3 month volunteer position with Grampians Health Ballarat, providing Reiki treatments to Cancer patients within BRICC - Ballarat's Regional Integrative Cancer Care Centre.

L-R portraits; Mikao Usui Sensai, Dr Chujiro Hayashi, Mrs Hawayo Takata ;

Learn Reiki - Level One the first teachings of Shoden

Anyone can learn Reiki!

Attend our weekend workshops to learn the first teachings of Usui Reiki and you will always have the tools to unlock your own healing ability with Level One Shoden Reiki.

Learn Japanese breathwork & meditation techniques, self-care treatments & how to share this precious gift of holistic healing not only to heal yourself, but also share with your family members & animal companions. 

Receiving several attunements over 4 days (2 weekends ) you will learn about;

  • the foundational History of Usui Reiki,
  • Your unbroken Lineage to Usui
  • 4 Reiki Breathwork Meditations
  • how to activate energy healing through specific breathwork techniques
  • hand placements for self-treatment & hand placements for treating others
  • Feel confident & empowered to begin your own Self-Reiki healing journey.
  • Receive ongoing support within a private group, access to regular monthly online Reiki shares & meditation classes.
  • Full Reiki One Manual hard-copy & PDF
  • Access to ongoing meditation well-being sessions & in-person Reiki shares in Ballarat
  • Option to join Reiki Australia, a leading Reiki professional membership association


person typing on a laptop, video conferencing

Online Well-being Workshops

Attend one of our online workshops.

Energy healing & breathwork have been practiced for hundreds & thousands of years as form of preventative medicine.

Many cultures believe that the Mind, Heart & body are inexplicably interconnected.

What affects the mind, may also have an adverse effect on the body & the spirit.

Join us in a 2 hour workshop to learn the basics of spiritual protection & some breathwork meditation techniques which can help you cope with challenges of the constant busy-ness & demands of daily life. Breathwork techniques have been proven to reduce high blood pressure & also help to reduce stress & anxiety, leading to improved overall health & well-being.

Fortune teller reading tarot

Intuitive Oracle readings

You are Divinely Guided & Protected.

Oracle Readings provide not only insights, but also Spiritual guidance & healing filled with wisdom, guidance, clarity and emotional healing.

For hundreds of years, the ancients often  would consult the Oracles for advice on the portents, signs & omens. An intuitive oracle card reading can inspire change within, reflecting a more balanced & positive outlook on life. 

About us

As a child, Lainey discovered she had many intuitive gifts, was able to communicate telepathically with animals & had the ability to see, hear & connect with the Spirits of loved one who had passsed over.

With a thirst for learning all things spiritual and esoteric, she had spent many years learning, studying and developing her gifts. Lainey has a passion for Reiki healing, is an Inutitive Animal communicator & is also Spiritual Psychic Medium, and a paranormal investigator.

Lainey is committed to helping others to embrace their divine sacredness, authenticity, & live their best life through Reiki. Lainey hopes to inspire others to embrace their own healing journey, & to assist others to heal & strengthen their bonds with their companion animal, through Reiki, meditation & mindulness techniques.

Lainey's passion is to teach Japanese Breathwork & Usui Reiki, empowering others to learn these self-healing techniques as a form of self-care & sharing  with their animal companions to live a more harmonious, tranquil & joyful life with their precious animal companions. 

5 Years ago after winning a mediumship reading which was profoundly life changing, Lainey returned to study Reiki. Upon meeting her new Reiki Master Teacher Sue, Lainey discovered that both had originally came from Scotland & immigrated to Australia.  Both had lived in the same town, the exact same house, and both shared the same bedroom at different times. Not surprisingly, both have remained very close friends & colleagues. 

Reiki had orchestrated a major coincidence, and given Lainey a sign of her truest soul path. How amazing that 35 years later, on the opposite side of the world, Lainey was guided to meet her future Reiki Master teacher who also happens to be an Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spiritual Medium.

Lainey also volunteers her time as a Director on the Board of Reiki Australia, the leading Professional Reiki Membership association. A team of Reiki Professionals who are also passionate about raising the standards of Reiki, & the acceptance & advancement and integration of professional Reiki treatments in Healthcare settings to better support patients' emotional & mental wellbeing leading to overall improved health outcomes.

Reach out today to inquire how Reiki treatments can benefit you and your sacred animal family.

Are you ready to Shine Bright Be-You-tiful Souls?  Let's connect soon. Reiki Blessings, Lainey X

Reiki Master Teacher,  Smiling Lady, glasses, calming demeanour, curly bobbed auburn red hair.